Saturday, April 22, 2006

Everything I needed to know about life ....

I learned while weedwacking the yard :

1) Keep your mouth shut (VERY, VERY important).
2) Keep focused on your objective, life is full of diversions.
3) Watch what you are doing and where you are going, always.
4) When shit is flying, 90% of it is sure to land on you.
5) Be mindful of the little things, tread softly but surely.
6) Take time to smell the flowers, and to plant some... (instead of dreaming of having a nice garden "someday"). Even a single flower adds color to your life, and if you plant one every week, your "someday" garden will be here before you know it and you can move on to other dreams...
7) Making the 5YO the boss, keeps him out of trouble & your blood pressure down... & let the dog supervise so they do not get underfoot.
8) No one will ever appreciate the effort you put out as much as your dog.
9) Do not swipe away blindly at the weeds in your yard (or life)... they will take over if you let them. Rip them out leaving no roots if you want to be free of them. Weeds are a pest that will not go away on their own and one that will return if you are not deliberate in their removal.
10)Not everything that stinks or that looks ugly is bad, and not everything that looks pretty or seems sweet is good.
11)Strange noises coming from the darkness under the deck is NEVER happy noise
12) Always, and I do mean ALWAYS run FAR away from a fast moving snake in the grass (leaping is also permitted and encouraged)

I need a drink....
Oh, and the neighbors are no longer napping in front of their TVs, the screaming that went along with #12 pretty much insured that.

1 comment:

PaMdora said...

Funny list! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm going to look for those banana-thingees next time I'm at Starbucks