Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I seem to go in all directions

I've been busy, but not that busy.... I've gotten stuff done, but not a lot done. I feel utterly frustrated by it all. I need 48 hour days, that would solve the dilemma for me. This is what I have gotten done or been working on in 2005-2006....
This is an "in-progress" partial layout for a sunface art quilt I am planning.

This is how the progress is going on my kitchen cabinet doors...the kitchen is taking on a life of it's own, in fact it's darn hard to not wake up happy in my kitchen now.... only 4 door fronts to go and I will officially have the sunniest kitchen in Portland Oregon!

All of the color pieces in this samples pic became fiberart artist trading cards, the smaller B/W pic is of a mobius flow art quilt wall hanging I did of my mom.

Just more samples of my art doll masks, and painted furniture. The sunface fetish is an illness of sorts but I assure you is only marginally contagious.

This is my last 18 months in pics... missing are the aboriginal gator quilt I am finishing up for my almost son-in-law Brian...2 years in the making and counting.... a friends memory quilt I am making for my daughter Ramie, 1 petroglyph style art quilt that I sold and 4 art bags I made and sold. I need to get the quilts for Ramie and Brian done by Xmas, my grandson Keegan seems to think I owe him a "robot/spaceship/alien quilt.

I guess I haven't done bad considering I also babysit 35 hours a week plus I work72 hours a week doing both daytime hours and night shifts in home health. I hope to slow done on the working in 2007 so I can do more creative stuff especially now that I am getting closer to having an actual art space to work in.